🚿 Yay! We're back in stock 📦 Hurry before we sell-out again 🛀🏾

By Patrick Raymond

Oh, September!

I got the call from the shop on Monday at 5pm (yes, Labor Day) … the Machines are producing excellent quality, but not fast enough. Summer heat and humidity were contributing factors. Another was that we needed a second “bar-seal with mandrill”. So we just got one. It will speed things up.

Alas, one bad week will cost a full month, because our job is not the only one in the shop. I’m not about to berate our master craftsman for the delay, especially since I’ve seen how unforgiving it is to labor in 105 degree heat. I’m also deeply grateful he took on our job in the first place. Nobody else would. Yet we remain a tiny client to his shop. So we got bumped.

Our job is about 20% complete.
Our job is about 20% complete.

But what I did ask from this key vendor — and we now have — is a legally binding contract to finish by a specific date: September 28. I waited until I had the document in hand before writing this update to you all.

This delay doesn’t diminish the quality of the product you'll receive. Quite the contrary. As you saw for our latest photo session, the product is just AMAZING!

But the delay does hurt me. I am running out of funds. Since January, I've worked unpaid and unable to take other jobs. So this summer, I scaled down, kept an emergency reserve fund for food, rent and essentials (for me), plus all anticipated shipping costs (for you). I have spent everything we raised together, plus all my savings, plus any debt I qualify for … and put it in tooling and inventory. In other words, I'm "all in" Curvi curtains. More than ever, I need your support.

The good news is that once production is finished, I'll have 750 units. You all preordered 375. But I need to sell them all. Right now! I can't afford an advertising budget. I must rely on referrals to attract new customers. You can help by convincing just ONE FRIEND to also pre-order from this page. Or, if you prefer, here are some easy-sharing links:

I'm happy to offer your friends a pre-order special of $5 off expected retail price. And I'm sure they're going to LOVE the extra shower space :-)

Happy Bathing!

~ Patrick the Inventor


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