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By Patrick Raymond

Behold the Magic Window!

First Cut: Original Material Needs a Name. Send Your Suggestions.

At long last, we created the perfect material for Curvi™ pleated windows. It has the ideal balance of physical attributes -- like weight and “Goldilocks” flexibility -- and it performs well in the Machine for creasing, folding and sealing. Furthermore, it is an eco-friendly blend, in full compliance with the toughest environmental standards in the industry: California's Proposition 65. That means that it has none of the potentially harmful chemicals that cheaper shower curtains typically have. Best of all, as you can see from the photo, light will get in, but frosting ensures privacy. The matte translucent finish gives it a premium silky-linen look that will make your Curvi™ pleated window look beautiful from outside.

Frankly, I never expected this one component to be so challenging. The effort took many weeks and involved many experts in material science. But thanks to our polymer engineering partners in New Jersey … we did it!

What can you expect now that the mill run is done?

On Monday July 16, we start folding and sealing the sheets into your Curvi™ pleated windows. We expect that to take a week, so let’s say two, to be safe. That brings us to July 30, when we will pick, pack and ship to you! If you ordered an outer curtain, expect a separate email from me tomorrow to pick your design. We ship to everyone at the same time.

Happy Bathing!

Patrick the Inventor


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