🚿 Hurry! Before we sell out 🛀🏾 Get FREE SHIPPING 🚚 on orders $45+

By Patrick Raymond

Countdown to More Shower SPACE® ... only 21 days to go!

Ok, my friends, we did it. We solved the production issue. We’ll be back in stock in 21 days. Many components are already finished and the rest is on schedule. Made in the USA, baby!

So I just reopened my online store. Go ahead, pre-order now. You get guaranteed first delivery and free shipping, a $10 value.

In my last video, I was telling you how we were stuck because I couldn't get the big expensive industrial machine to cut and fold the patented panels. The breakthrough came when one of my advisors found an alternative. It will cost me a little more per unit, but it's a common machine used by lots of domestic manufacturers. It's fast enough and the tooling cost was low enough. So I put it on my corporate credit card last week. Now that we have the right partner with the right machine we will be back in stock in about 21 days.

I'll be doing short daily countdown video updates from now on. You’ll see the real samples as I get them next week. I will also be introducing you to my team. There are lots of good people I want to thank.

Last thing: I said I might do a funding round. Well, I'm still open to it. You can message me if you're interested. But frankly, because my small business doesn’t need the big machine any more, we don't really need money. We can grow just fine with pre-orders and sales revenues.

But here's what I do need. I need your help for people to discover my product. Google and Facebook advertising have become really very expensive. Instead, I’d like to ask each of you to post MoreShowerSpace.com on your social media. It’s a super-valuable non-cash way for you to help our small business. Just say, hey, I know this guy and his new product looks cool or something like that.

So, option 1, you can pre-order now. And if you don’t need a new shower curtain, I get it … then option 2 is to post about MoreShowerSpace.com on your social media. Especially you, my dear Kickstarter backers. I’m still committed to sending you a free upgrade. This new version is simply amazing. You’re really going to love it! But I can't do this alone. I'm counting on you to post MoreShowerSpace.com on your social media, so we can all enjoy more shower space!

So that's all for today. I know it's a crazy time. So stay safe. Stay clean. Stay calm. And stay on schedule. That's what I'll be doing.

Bye for now!

~ Patrick the Inventor


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