· By Patrick Raymond
SPACE® Video Update: February 2020
I’ll start by stating the obvious: we did not ship last month. But we will ship! Here’s a video demo of the progress we’ve made and what’s next.
Here’s a synopsis ... our Kickstarter campaign proved:
- People want more shower space!
- My patented tipping effect works!
- All-manual production method is slow and costly.
- Product testers identified design improvements.
The product now passes 12 out of 12 testing requirements. But in order for me to reopen the online store, guarantee pre-order delivery and ship free upgrades to hundreds of early backers like you, then I need the capability to reliably make thousands of units every month. For that, we need to be able to mass-manufacture 7 components at optimal cost, quality and speed:
- Box
- Bag
- Liner
- Hoops
- Pleated Panels
- Optional Exterior Curtains
- Optional Drapery Hooks
They are all ready … except #5. It's not a problem with the material. It's that after weeks of applications and disclosures, we were repeatedly led-on -- then ultimately denied -- equipment financing for the "pleating" machine. So this month, we switched to a different creasing method. It's a bit slower, but it involves a more common machine available at many US contract manufacturers. So next week, I’ll shoot another video with these announcements:
- Production schedule for part # 5 from the actual factory
- Introduction to my teammates who helped me make this all possible
- License offer: lend to our small business, get your money back plus earn a royalty
- Non-cash ways you can also help (shareable creative assets)
Any questions? Simply email me or call (888) 856-7622.
May the SPACE® be with you!
Patrick Raymond, Inventor