🚿 Hurry! Before we sell out 🛀🏾 Get FREE SHIPPING 🚚 on orders $45+

By Patrick Raymond

Up, Up, and Away !

Dear Kickstarter Backers,

(see full transcript below)


Well, here we are … success! Firstly, let me say that I fully recovered from COVID. And thank you to all who wrote in with expressions of concern and support. Very appreciated. I’m fine. And New York City will be fine.

As for our project, we were finally able to fine tune our machines. Three weeks ago, I sent samples for in-home testing by real people. I waited for their verdict ... and they love it. Our new product looks and works great. Here it is:

Real SPACE® Shower Liner

So, my dear backers, it’s been over 2 years. What a journey! In gratitude for your early support, I will ship you a FREE UPGRADE. Now a lot has happened since I made that promise... so I’m sure you’ll understand that I can’t ship to all 326 backers all at once, but we can make this work. Please start by replying directly to my email to confirm one last time that I have your correct mailing address. With all the recent upheavals, many of you may have moved.

So here’s how shipping will get done:

First in line is everyone who made a voluntary donation to cover the shipping cost of a second shipment. If you want to join Group 1, it’s not too late, just click this linkNow I know times are tough, so if you can’t afford to donate $10, you can still join Group 1 with an equally valuable contribution: click any of the social media links here to tell your friends that you supported our project.

    This is a simple non-cash action that has great value because it could bring in new customers and reduces marketing costs for my small business. When you click any link, my social media accounts will see your post, then you’re in Group 1.

    If you can’t donate $10 and you don’t want to click on the social media links, then you are in Group 2. I will honor my pledge to ship your FREE REPLACEMENT, but only after Group 1 is processed and after my small business has enough cash flow to pay for your shipping cost. It could take a few more weeks. But it will get done.

    In closing, this success wasn’t just the work of a solo inventor. It’s thanks to you, Kickstarter backers, who believed in me and the concept of a self-expanding shower liner, before it was even a real product. I also want to take a moment to thank all my teammates who contributed time, talent and early startup capital: Anne, Mickey, Louis, Jonathan, Lucy, Nick, Kristin, Richard, Louise, Duks, and Mom. I could not have done this without you. Thank you.

    And last but not least, thanks to all the amazing engineers, contract manufacturers and essential workers who report to work every day. We owe them all the more, given our challenging times. I won’t comment on current events. That’s not my job. My job is to give you something to smile about: more shower space.

    Happy Bathing to you all.


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